Monday, September 15, 2008

Rain, Rain, GO AWAY!

We have had A LOT of rain, thanks to our dear friend Ike, and no, I do not speak of my youngest child. Yes we are in northern Illinois, but Ike's torrential rains plagued our area for the past 4 days, resulting in a flooded basement. UGH, what a mess! We do not own a sump pump, so therefore had to just sit back and watch as the water got higher and higher. I finally got a loaner pump from my dad who has 3 of them and was using all three to get his basement pumped out. We probably got about 8 inches of water in the basement and now have the aftermath to deal with. I had planned on sorting through the cardboard boxes in the basement and getting rid of a lot of things, but now I am forced to get rid of a lot more than I had intended. And it will be a much messier job than I had anticipated. But, for the future, BUH BYE cardboard storage, hello plastic tubs! Also, my oldest son's bedroom is downstairs, so for the time being he is displaced to his sisters room! I did get lucky and found a bunch of high velocity little fans at Wal-mart on clearance for only $5 each! I just got 3 to start us off. They are blowing downstairs right now, working their little motors off trying to dry things up. All the ditches in the area have been flooded, the creek just up the road has flooded into a neighboring bean field creating a lake of sorts. Everything is just absolutely soaked! So with all this rain and mess in my basement my chicken project has been put on hold. However... on a good note, my slings should have been mailed out today! YAY! I can't wait to start selling them! I have also started cloth diapering on a part time basis. I will let you know how this is going... Have a great day!


Madge said...

The expense of plastic tubs is WELL worth it. I suggest the clear kind so you can see exactly what is in each box---but I have resorted to the dense color when money has been tight.

I am sorry about the flooding. What a pain.

My heart to my head said...

How miserable! That must be why FL houses dont have basements! Are you using the old fashion cloth diapers or the new velco kind. They have really modernized cloth diapers. Not sure I would like to use them though...Good Luck!