Friday, September 5, 2008

Hello?...hello?... argh! Frustrations of my life...

One of the most annoying things in the world is trying to make a call or carry on a telephone conversation with very little signal on your phone. This morning I am trying to call and order pie tins from a company whom I would like to order from online, but their website seems to be having some technical issues, so I have to call to order. That in itself is frustrating enough for me, but then to have my call interrupted several times because the signal "faded" is beyond my level of patience. It took like 5 times talking to "Elaine" to actually get the information I needed and found out that they have more than doubled in price since the last time I ordered (2 years ago) (BTW, also frustrating!) So now I need to decide if I want to order by the case, which seems to be the only way to "save" money, even though I would be paying like 3 times more than I wanted to spend, but I would get twice what I was gonna order. And I do have to order. I have been looking in the general vicinity, and by general, I'm talking a 40 minute drive in any direction, for pie tins for my weekend baking, since last week! And nobody has them! NO ONE! I called 5 - 6 different Wal-Marts, along with a variety of other stores, anybody who might even consider selling pie tins, to no avail.... So I am left with no other choice than to order them from an outside source...and not do market this weekend, because really, if I don't have pies, it's not even worth my time to go out there.

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