Thursday, September 4, 2008

A miracle product!!!!

So I am surfing the web last night and browsing one of my favorite sites ( and came across the fact that she has hard water in her house. We live out in the country, as you know, and we have well water that is very hard and full of minerals. It becomes very obvious when the salt in the softener is getting low, because the water starts to take on an orange cloudy hue. If the softener has NO salt then we are talking about can't-see-through-it-very-very-orange water. Not pretty. The clothes in the washer come out orange, the dishwasher doesn't clean, the kids bathwater looks like a mud puddle from Georgia (red dirt...) Anyway, I was just lamenting yesterday about having to handwash all the dishes because even though we have salt in the softener the dishwasher was not was stirring all the dirty around and making sure that every last dish in there had the same nasty coating of lime, and gunk from the other dishes. So anyway, as I was saying. I was browsing through and she introduces me to "The Miracle Product" It is called Lemi-Shine. I thought, well, what could it hurt to try. I went to Wal-mart in hopes that they would carry it. They did and I got 2 bottles of it (getting very hopeful, I was) and followed the directions for the dishwasher. I loaded up the dishwasher, started it and went to bed. I awoke this morning to a dishwasher full of CLEAN DISHES!!!! I was so excited. Not only that, but the rust stains that had been coating the inside of my dishwasher...GONE! It was completely clean on the inside! HOLY COW this is awesome! I can't wait to do it again!

1 comment:

Madge said...

I'll have to look into that. I had our water tested because I thought we had really hard water, but apparently we don't.....well, we still have build-up and it's a pain.
I'll see if I can find that product somewhere around here.